


Bite-wing x-rays

In this type of photography, the details of the upper and lower jaw teeth in an area of ​​the mouth are shown. Each byte wing shows the tooth from its crown to the surface of the bone that surrounds it. The focus of this type of photography is on tooth enamel. Bite-wing radiography is essential to identify cavities and caries that may even occur between teeth. In addition, it helps the dentist monitor the bone levels between the teeth and check their health. With this tool, it will be easy to identify dental caries and changes in bone thickness as a result of gum disease. Bite-wing radiography can sometimes be used to replace or even replace filled fillings to identify the extent of damage. In addition, byte wings can be used to check the fit of dental veneers or other dental restorations (such as bridges).

Periapical x-rays

This type of x-ray shows the entire structure of a tooth, from the root tip of the tooth, where it is attached to the jaw, to the enamel, plus the bone around the tooth, abscesses and other problems. This type of imaging can be used to detect abnormal growths, abnormalities, or changes that may occur in the root, near the gums, or even other bone structures.